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4 out of 5 Republican voters support 'militarized' concentration camps for undocumented migrants

2 min read

There will come a day when Donald Trump will not be around, but the Republican Party was poisoned by their own violent desires before he arrived and will remain that way long after he is gone. A poll appears to confirm that the party base isn't just comfortable with the machinery of fascism—they want it to happen.


50% of Americans surveyed oppose setting up encampments for undocumented immigrants, while 47% favor the idea, according to the annual survey from the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), in partnership with the Brookings Institution.

• Nearly 79% of Republicans favor putting undocumented immigrants in encampments, compared with 47% of independents and 22% of Democrats.

• The vast majority of Americans who most trust far-right news (91%) or Fox News (82%) favor militarized encampments for undocumented immigrants, compared with 44% of Americans who do not watch TV news.

We can dance around the implications of these numbers all we want, and no doubt the both Republicans and Fox News are lacing up their shoes as we speak, but the poll speaks for itself. 4 out of 5 Republican voters support rounding up undocumented Americans and putting them in, direct quote, militarized camps.

Concentration camps. That's the more common phrasing used for that. "Internment camps" has been a past, more American-flavored euphemism.

There really isn't any question whether the Republican Party is, at this point, a fascist movement. The notion of putting millions of residents in "militarized camps" because a barrage of wealthy conservative news anchors who spend more money on their suits than you do for rent pointed at migrants and declared that the nation's ills were, somehow, all their fault—it is sickening, to be sure, but their eager viewers could at any point have chosen to recoil from such lies and most emphatically did not.

On the contrary: They love it. Out of every ten Republicans you'll meet, eight of them want to start rounding people up and don't give a flying damn about what happens next.

I don't want to hear any garbage about how Actually, most Republican voters are decent people who something-something-something. No, they're not. A decent person doesn't back "militarized camps" for migrants or refugees; a decent public does not casually back the construction of concentration camps based on fraudulent stories about "missing geese" pumped into their brains by malignant racist shitheels. We are allowed to come to conclusions about the character of such people.

Perhaps they are merely stupid. But stupid does not equate to being evil, and a purely politically motivated campaign to put families in camps is evidence not of stupidity, but of outright malice.

This is why the racist, anti-democratic, and violence-justifying rhetoric that Republican politicians have engaged in, post-coup attempt, matters. This is why Fox News head Rupert Murdoch and his underlings count not just as amoral and hollow people, but among the worst and most damaging propagandists of the modern era. Because if you tell people, over and over and over, that they are allowed to hate, and that they are allowed to commit brutalities, and they are allowed to not listen to laws and that they are allowed to ignore morals if the end result is more power for the politicians bellowing at them, it matters.

I have nothing but contempt for those who have led us to this point. Lindsey Graham; Mitch McConnell; Ted Cruz; Marco Rubio; Alex Jones; Sean Hannity; Christopher Rufo; Ron DeSantis; Roger Stone; Rudy Giuliani; we could name hundreds. There are a thousand more we could list off as cowards.

But we are allowed to have contempt for voters who think concentration camps should play a role in the next phase of American history. Trump voters are not stupid—not all of them.

But all of them, every last one, are bad and hateful people.


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