Remember how we were told it was hysterical hyperbole to say that Republicans would overturn Roe v. Wade and ban abortion … and then they did it? Remember how we were told it was hysterical hyperbole to suggest that Donald Trump would not accept a 2020 election loss … and then he encouraged his supporters to attempt a violent coup on January 6, 2021?
Yeah. Now we're watching the same damn dynamic play out. Only this time it's that we warned Trump really was looking to usher in fascism. That he really was going to be a dictator. That he would dismantle democracy and the rule of law to the exact extent that he was allowed to do so. It was hysterical hyperbole, until it wasn't.
Trump has unilaterally and unlawfully attempted to freeze government funds already appropriated by Congress. Elon Musk has forced a top Treasury Department official in an attempt to seize a major government payment system. A slew of federal websites went down as agencies tried to scrub any content that Team Trump might think violated one of Trump's vicious anti-trans orders.
I'm not going to say Democratic leaders are doing nothing. But they are not doing enough.
I know, I know! What can they do? What levers of power do they have remaining? I'm going to be honest, I don't know, but they and their lawyers and strategists have had months to prepare.
Whatever it is they do, it has to be more than business-as-usual "bad stuff is happening" social media posts.
What do we do? I don't know that, either. I know we don't give up. We don't despair. We build strength in our communities, by organizing and by doing what we can to protect our vulnerable neighbors (in the broad sense of neighbors). You may need to tune out some of the cacophony of horrible things Trump and his co-president are doing, because to focus on all of them is to invite despair.
You be ready. You stay ready. Fight when the opportunity comes to you, and be ready to seek out the fight when you can tell where the best fights are – whether that's the ones that are morally imperative or the ones that can maybe ... if not be fully won, at least deal Trump something like a loss.
And whenever we come across someone who told us it was hyperbole to suggest Trump would be a dictator who directly attacked the rule of law? Definitely take a minute to say the firmest possible "I told you so." Not just that. "I told you so, and you didn't believe me on this even though I was right the previous times I told you so. Take your abysmal understanding of what we're dealing with and go hide your face in shame, and never, ever again put your judgment above that of those of us who keep getting it right."
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