At this point I'm beginning to genuinely believe that Trump, Musk, or somebody has kidnapped the extended families of every Senate Republican and are threatening to send them back in pieces unless senators vote for every last mind-bogglingly damaging anti-American murder-adjacent thing the captors demand. There's no level of mere cowardice that could account for the roll-on-their-bellies sycophancy supposed Republican Party leaders have displayed day in, day out as the Trump/Musk team strips them of even cursory relevance in their own government.
It was Sen. Mitch McConnell, yes Sen. Mitch Freaking McConnell, who provided the only Republican vote against the wildlife corpse collector's confirmation. From his statement:
"I'm a survivor of childhood polio. In my lifetime, I've watched vaccines save millions of lives from devastating diseases across America and around the world. I will not condone the re-litigation of proven cures, and neither will millions of Americans who credit their survival and quality of life to scientific miracles."
No other Republicans shared the same opinion, not even the ones who have based their entire careers around supposed sensibility, and before anyone gets maudlin about McConnell's own reticence here remember that (1) we don't know how he would have voted if his vote actually mattered and (2) we are in this mess, all of this mess, because Mitch McConnell of Kentucky was the victim of a Donald Trump-orchestrated attack on a joint session of Congress and rather than impeaching Trump and barring him from future elected office forever, the biggest ratbastard in the Senate actually worked to protect Trump from that outcome, making damn sure his party would remain under the thumb of a delusional, criminal madman for as long as Mitch McConnell could pull that off.
So we've got a lunatic anti-science conspiracy crank in charge of public health, we've got a dimwitted paranoia-riddled Russian asset installed as head of national intelligence, another one queued up to run the FBI, multiply openly fascist accelerationists in charge of the budget, internment camp-planning white supremacists in charge of immigration law, an actual damn seditionists in the Oval Office, and a cranked-up conman with pupils the size of dinner plates running a shadow government in charge of sabotaging government investigations of cranked-up conmen. Outstanding. Wonderful.
Crops are beginning to rot in farmer fields because not even documented immigrants want to face the wrath of Nazi-aspiring stormtroopers raiding their workplace and seizing anyone who they don't like the look of. Tariffs are on the cusp of shutting down the majority of the U.S. auto industry. Elon Musk and crew intentionally stranded U.S. workers overseas without a means to even return—an apparent attempt to get at least a few of them killed off outright. And our every international ally now correctly considers the United States its most dangerous new enemy, even as the Vladimir Putin fan club in the White House conducts secret negotiations to trade god-knows-what for god-knows-what and the chief crooked idiot waxes on about a genocide-backed resort town where Gaza used to be.
And all of this is ... what Republicans want, apparently, because there sure as hell aren't any piping up to say otherwise. Take that, farmers. And auto industry. And the entire economy. And people who are prejudiced against polio.
I really couldn't tell you what will happen next, but the new regime is already doing their level best to collapse the banking sector, the next pandemic is toeing the starting line and waiting for the sound of the pistol, and if you think the price of eggs is bad now just wait until you see the prices of everything else after farmers lose entire fields for lack of labor.
What should we even be hoarding, here? Gold? Food? Toilet paper? Gasoline? Measles vaccines? Hell if I know. All we know for sure is that the Trump-Musk-Russell Vought triad is ruthlessly focused on crashing every portion of the economy, all at once. And Senate Republicans from Susan Collins to Ted Cruz think all of that is just damn fine.
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